, WebSite-vdM.de * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024, Ralf von der Mark, WebSite-vdM.de * @version Download vom 19.04.2024 um 17:13 Uhr * * @source https://wfm.website-vdm.de/webfilemanager/sprache4wfm.php?getConstDatei=sp_englisch */ define('AAA_SPRACH_B64', 'ZW5nbGlzaA==');/** Wird nur zur Steuerung der Sprache verwendet */ define('AAA_SPRACH_KUERZL', 'en');/** Länderspezifische Domain (Top Level Domain) */ define('AAA_SPRACHE', 'english');/** Titel der Sprache in Landessprache */ define('AKTION_RUECKGG', 'You can undo the last action performed.'); define('BSP_ORDNR', 'dirA, dirB/dirBA, dirC'); define('CASE_SENSITIVE', 'note: case sensitive'); define('DATEI_ENTF', 'The file was removed from the rename table!'); define('DATEI_GELOESCHT', 'The file was deleted'); define('DATEI_NAME', 'Filename'); define('DATEI_NAMEN', 'File name'); define('DATEI_PFAD', 'Location of the file'); define('DATEI_SCHREIBSCHTZ', 'The file is write protected'); define('DATEI_UPLOAD_EINZL', 'File upload (one file)'); define('DATEI_UPLOAD_FLDR', 'Show upload fields'); define('DATEI_UPLOAD_HINW', 'You can hold down the Ctrl key and select multiple files at the same time (if your browser supports this feature)'); define('DATEI_UPLOAD_MEHR_EINZL', 'Several individual files to upload'); define('DATEI_UPLOAD_MEHRERE', 'File Upload (multiple choice)'); define('DATEI_UPLOAD_SAVE', 'Save files (upload)'); define('DATEI_UPLOAD_TITEL', 'Upload - Upload files to the directory'); define('DATEIN_GELOESCH_NOT', 'These files could not be deleted: '); define('DATEIN_GELOESCHT', 'These files were deleted: '); define('DATEIN_MARKIER', 'Select all files'); define('DECODE_BASE64', 'Base64 decode code and download'); define('DOWNL_LEER', 'empty file upload fields were ignored!'); define('EDIT_BLANKS_WEG', 'Blanks (space) at the end of the line removed'); define('EDIT_IN_ZEILE', 'The file has been modified in line'); define('EDIT_NOT_IN_ZEILE', 'No change in line'); define('EDIT_TEXTAREA', 'Everything in a text field'); define('EINGABN_FALSCH', 'Your entries were not correct!'); define('EINGABN_IHR', 'Your input: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('ERR_BEGINN_NEU', 'Please start over!'); define('ERR_ERROR', 'Error: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('GELOESCH_NOT', 'could not be deleted'); define('GROSS_SCHREIBN', 'large WRITING'); define('HILF_ZU_THEMA', 'Help on this topic'); define('HILFE_BUCH', 'User-manual'); define('HINWS_FEHLR_INKLUDR', 'The program is included, which can cause errors (eg during download)!');/** Hinweis bei Include */ define('HTACCESS_SCHUTZ', 'Password protect folder (. Htaccess)'); define('IN_TEXTAREA', 'in the text box'); define('IN_ZEILENWEISE', 'Row-wise in view'); define('KLEIN_GROSS_SCHRBG', 'Upper and lower case'); define('KLEIN_SCHREIBN', 'lowercase'); define('L_ABBRECHN', 'Abort'); define('L_ABBRUCH', 'Demolition: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_ACHTG', 'ATTENTION: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_ACTION_WAEHLN', 'Please select an action!'); define('L_ADDON', 'Add-on'); define('L_AENDRN', 'change');/** Titel der Sprache in Landessprache */ define('L_AKTION_WAEHLN', 'Select Action'); define('L_AKTIV', 'Active'); define('L_AKTON', 'Action'); define('L_AKTUELL', 'Current'); define('L_ALT', 'Old'); define('L_ANZAHL', 'Entries'); define('L_ANZEIGN', 'Display'); define('L_ARR_KEIN', 'is not an array (content: '); define('L_AUSBLENDN', 'Hide'); define('L_AUSGEW_DATEI', 'selected files'); define('L_AUSLOGGN', 'Log out'); define('L_AUSSCHNDN', 'Cut out'); define('L_AUSWAEHLN', 'Select'); define('L_BAS64_CODE', 'Encoded in Base64'); define('L_BEARBTN', 'Edit'); define('L_BEDIEN_HINW', 'Instructions'); define('L_BEGINN_NEU', 'Reset to start from scratch!'); define('L_BEISPL', 'Example'); define('L_BESTAETIGG', 'Confirmation'); define('L_BILD', 'Picture'); define('L_BILD_BASE64', 'Image in Base64 encoding'); define('L_BILD_DARSTLLG', 'The picture is even with frame (border = 1) and shown once without a frame!'); define('L_BIN_BEARB', 'Presumably there is a binary file. Nevertheless edit?'); define('L_BINAER', 'binary'); define('L_BROWSR_FRAME', 'Your browser does not support frames. You can still see the current version via the following link: '); define('L_CHECK_UPDATES', 'Check for updates ...'); define('L_CHUNK_SPLIT', 'Code wrapped after 76 characters with the function'); define('L_DANK', 'Thank you!'); define('L_DATEI', 'File'); define('L_DATEI_NICHT_OEFFN', 'The file could not be opened.'); define('L_DATEIN', 'Files'); define('L_DELETE_NOT_FOUND', 'There are no records to be deleted.'); define('L_DEV_MODE_AN', 'PHP-ERROR-Messages on'); define('L_DEV_MODE_AUS', 'Error messages off'); define('L_DEV_MODE_OFF_KRZ', 'ERRORs off'); define('L_DIMENS_XY', 'Width x height'); define('L_DIMENS_XY_KZ', 'W x H'); define('L_DIMENSN', 'Dimension'); define('L_DOWNL_NEU_VERS', 'Download by clicking the new version'); define('L_DOWNLD', 'Download'); define('L_EINFUEGN', 'Insert'); define('L_ENTW_INFO', 'Webmaster Info'); define('L_ERFOLGRCH', 'Successful: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_ERMITTLN', 'determine'); define('L_F_AKTIV_HINW', 'If you remove the check mark in this column, the entry is deleted the next time you save!'); define('L_F_HOME_HINW', 'The yellow box in the column indicates the current startup folder.'); define('L_F_PFAD', 'Direct path to the folder'); define('L_F_PFAD_HINW', 'If you want to adjust the distortion paths, you must open the file in memory favorite text editor.'); define('L_F_SAVE_HINW', 'The favorite combo is only updated when you click!'); define('L_F_TITL_HINW', 'Is automatically truncated to 50 characters!'); define('L_FAVO_AKTUELL', 'The current folder is the favorite (bookmark)'); define('L_FAVO_BESCHRBG', 'Favorite Tool'); define('L_FAVO_ERSTELLN', 'Favorite (bookmark) to create here'); define('L_FAVO_FERTIG', 'This folder is one of your favorites (bookmarks)'); define('L_FAVO_HINZUGEF', 'was added'); define('L_FAVO_HOME', 'Home!-Button in the Startup folder'); define('L_FAVO_LOESCHN', 'All Bookmarks (be careful - do not ask!)'); define('L_FAVO_SCHON_DA', 'This folder is already on your list'); define('L_FAVO_SCHREIBWSE', 'Specify at the beginning of each line please correct path, separated by 3 rhombuses (###) follows the title (optional)! [GO] is marked by the diamonds to the Startup folder (optional).'); define('L_FAVO_SETZN', 'Quick jump anchor'); define('L_FAVO_SPRG_DA', 'You are already in the selected directory'); define('L_FAVO_SPRG_OK', 'Folder jump through'); define('L_FAVO_TOOL_NAME', 'Favorites management'); define('L_FAVORIT', 'Favorite (bookmark)'); define('L_FAVORTS', 'Favorites (bookmarks)'); define('L_FILE_SAVE_FEHLR', 'The file could not be written / saved!'); define('L_FRAG_ALLG', 'Do you really want?'); define('L_FRAG_LOESCHN', 'Do you want to delete?'); define('L_FUNKTN', 'Functions'); define('L_GEKUERZT', 'truncated!'); define('L_GELOSCHT', 'deleted'); define('L_GROESS', 'Size'); define('L_HALLO', 'Hello'); define('L_HANDBUCH', 'Information, refer to the'); define('L_HILFE', 'Help'); define('L_HINWS', 'NOTE: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_HOME', 'HOME'); define('L_IMG_EINB_ABBR', 'The embedding of images has been canceled!'); define('L_IMG_EINB_ERKL', 'Otherwise, the speed of the construction site would be significantly affected.'); define('L_IMG_EINB_GROESS', 'The WFM set in your total size of embedded images is: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_IMG_EINB_STELL', 'At this point the site they were already'); define('L_INHALT', 'Content: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_JA', 'Yes'); define('L_JAVASCR_EIN', 'It is recommended to turn on Javascript!'); define('L_KEIN_DATEI_GEWAEHLT', 'You have selected a file.'); define('L_KEIN_NEU_NAME', 'You have specified a different / new name!'); define('L_KEINE_RECHTE', 'Probably you are missing the right.'); define('L_KONSTA_INFO', 'All PHP Constants'); define('L_KOPF_FIX', 'fix'); define('L_KOPF_LOESN', 'solve'); define('L_KOPF_SELF', 'Quiet-head'); define('L_KOPIERN', 'Copy'); define('L_LAUFZT', 'Runtime: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_LAUFZT_IN_SEK', 'Duration of the PHP script in seconds'); define('L_LOESCHN', 'Delete'); define('L_LOESCHN_HINW', 'Caution! - No more asking!'); define('L_LOGIN_F_GESPERRT', 'When exceeding the allowed number of failed attempts, this page is locked for you!'); define('L_LOGIN_F_VERS_ANZ', 'Allowed number of failed attempts: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_LOGIN_F_VERSUCH', '. Failure!');/** #Anzahl der Fehlversuche (z. B. 3. Fehlversuch!) */ define('L_LOGIN_FALSCH', 'Your login is not successful!'); define('L_LOGIN_OK', 'Your login was successful!'); define('L_LOGOUT_OK', 'Logout successful! To see again ...'); define('L_LOGOUT_WIRKL', 'You really want to logout?'); define('L_LW_BUCHST', 'LW-letter');/** nicht zu langer Text, da in Selectbox */ define('L_LW_READ_NEW', 'Read all drives ...'); define('L_LW_WECHSLN', 'Change drives'); define('L_MARKIERTE_DATEI', 'Files marked'); define('L_MIT', 'with'); define('L_NAME', 'Name'); define('L_NEIN', 'No'); define('L_NEU', 'Newly'); define('L_NEU_DAT_ERSTELLN', 'Create new empty file'); define('L_NEU_DATEI', 'New file'); define('L_NEU_FENSTER', 'opens a new window'); define('L_NEU_NAME', 'New file name for the WFM'); define('L_NEUSTE_VERS', 'The latest version is at'); define('L_NOT_INCLUDE', 'The following can only work if you call the file directly and WebFileManager not include!'); define('L_OEFFN', 'Open'); define('L_OHNE', 'without'); define('L_ORDNER', 'Folder'); define('L_ORDNR_AKTUELL', 'Currently open folder'); define('L_ORDNR_BACK', 'Directory level up'); define('L_ORDNR_FAVO_HOME', 'HOME! Startup folder'); define('L_ORDNR_GESA_GROESSE', 'Total size: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_ORDNR_GO_ROOT', 'Change the root directory ...'); define('L_ORDNR_GROESS_ERM', 'Identify all the larger directories'); define('L_ORDNR_GROESSE', 'Size of the folder'); define('L_ORDNR_IM', 'In the folder: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('L_ORDNR_LEER', 'The folder is empty!'); define('L_ORDNR_NAME', 'Folder name'); define('L_ORDNR_NEU', 'Create new subfolders'); define('L_ORDNR_NEUE', 'New folder'); define('L_ORDNR_NEW_F_SET', 'In the current directory create additional directories: '); define('L_ORDNR_NEW_LABL', 'You can create multiple folders at once!'); define('L_ORDNR_NOT_FOUND', 'Directory does not exist'); define('L_ORDNR_NOT_LEER', 'The folder is not empty!'); define('L_ORDNR_NOT_READBL', 'The following directory is not readable'); define('L_ORDNR_OEFFN', 'Open Directory'); define('L_ORDNR_ROOT', 'You are in the root directory (it's not deep!)'); define('L_ORDNR_UNTER_MIT', 'Subfolders'); define('L_OWNER_WFM', 'The owner name of the script (WFM) is'); define('L_PFLICHTFLD', 'required'); define('L_PHP_EINST', 'PHP settings'); define('L_PHP_INFO', 'PHP info'); define('L_PHPINFO_LG', 'Generates a separate HTML file containing information about the PHP settings.'); define('L_PIXL', 'Pixel'); define('L_PWD_HINW1', 'To edit the access protection for the following folder'); define('L_PWD_TOOL_NAME', '.htaccess/.passwd-tool'); define('L_RAHMN', 'Frame'); define('L_RELOAD', 'Reload'); define('L_SAV_AS_HINW', 'Your entries were stored in a * new * file.'); define('L_SAVE', 'Save'); define('L_SAVE_AS', 'Save to New File'); define('L_SCHR_RECHT', 'Please write permissions to the directory'); define('L_SEITE_OBN', 'Jump to top of page ...'); define('L_SEITE_UNTN', 'Top of page Bottom to bottom ...'); define('L_SEKUNDN', 'Seconds'); define('L_SEKUNDN_KZ', 'Sec.'); define('L_SELF', 'self'); define('L_SERVER_INFO', 'Server information, variables, etc.'); define('L_SICHERH', 'various security settings'); define('L_SICHERHT', 'Security: '); define('L_SORT_ABWAERTS', 'Sort down'); define('L_SORT_AUFWAERTS', 'Sort up'); define('L_SORT_IS_ABWAERTS', 'Current Sorting: Descending: '); define('L_SORT_IS_AUFWAERTS', 'Current Sorting: Ascending: '); define('L_SPEICHR_AKTION', 'Actions'); define('L_SPEICHR_ALLE_EINFUEGN', 'All files from buffer to insert here in the folder'); define('L_SPEICHR_COPYMOVE', 'Copy or Cut'); define('L_SPEICHR_EINE_ENTF', 'Remove file from buffer'); define('L_SPEICHR_EINE_WEG', 'The file was removed from the cache!'); define('L_SPEICHR_EINE_WG_FRAGE', 'Do you want to remove this file from the cache?'); define('L_SPEICHR_EINFG_FRAGE', 'Do you want to paste the file here?'); define('L_SPEICHR_EINFGN_ALL', 'Insert all'); define('L_SPEICHR_EINFGN_FRAG', 'Do you want to paste the ALL files here?'); define('L_SPEICHR_EINFUEGN', 'Insert in the current folder'); define('L_SPEICHR_EINGEF', 'The files were added to the directory'); define('L_SPEICHR_FEHLR', 'The files could not be added!'); define('L_SPEICHR_GELEERT', 'The cache has been emptied!'); define('L_SPEICHR_HINW', 'File is deleted when you move from source-folder!'); define('L_SPEICHR_LEEREN', 'Empty buffer'); define('L_SPEICHR_LEERN_ALL', 'All files from the cache remove ...'); define('L_SPEICHR_LEERN_FRAG', 'Do you want to empty the entire cache?'); define('L_SPEICHR_MOVE', 'and were deleted in the source directory'); define('L_SPEICHR_NAME', 'Cache'); define('L_SPRACHE_WAEHLN', 'Change language'); define('L_SUCH_DATEI_U_ORDNR', 'Search of files and directories'); define('L_SUCH_ENDE', 'Exit - search mode'); define('L_SUCHN', 'Search'); define('L_TITEL', 'Title'); define('L_TREFFR', 'Hit'); define('L_TREFFR_NULL', 'No matches found!'); define('L_TYP', 'Type'); define('L_UMBENENN', 'Rename'); define('L_UMBENENN_OK', 'Successfully renamed'); define('L_UMBENN_GO', 'has been renamed and can be accessed here ...'); define('L_UNBEKANNT', 'unknown'); define('L_UNGUELTG_ZEICHN', 'The value you entered contains invalid characters'); define('L_VERKNPFG', 'Link'); define('L_VERS', 'Version'); define('L_VERSCHDNES', 'Miscellaneous'); define('L_VERSION', 'Your version is installed'); define('L_VERSTCK_DEFAULT', 'Hidden View'); define('L_VERWALTG', 'Administration'); define('L_VERZ_DIRKT', 'Jump to folder'); define('L_VORSICHT', 'Caution!'); define('L_VRAENDG_KEINE', 'No change'); define('L_VRSCHAU', 'Preview'); define('L_VRSCHIEBN', 'Move'); define('L_WERT_IDENTISCH', 'The old and the new value are identical!'); define('L_WFM_INT_FACEB', 'Facebook.com: The fan page: '); define('L_WFM_INT_MAIL', 'Message to WebSite-vdM.de'); define('L_WFM_INT_SHOP', 'Shopping on WebSite-vdM.de'); define('L_WFM_INT_SPEND', 'PayPal - Donation to WebSite-vdM.de'); define('L_WFM_INTERN', 'Feedback, support, shopping'); define('L_WFM_SYSTEM', 'WebFileManager system'); define('L_WIEDRHLG', 'Repetition'); define('L_WOLLEN_SIE_WIRKL', 'Do you really want to avert this action on the selected files?'); define('L_ZEICHN', 'Sign');/** z. B. max. 30 Zeichen */ define('L_ZEILE_BEARB', 'Edit line'); define('L_ZIPPN', 'ZIP (experimental)'); define('L_ZURKSETZN', 'Resetting'); define('LEER_ENTFERNT', 'All trailing spaces are removed!'); define('LETZT_BEARBTG', 'Last'); define('LOESCH_FRAG', 'Write to Extract the security name in the box!'); define('LOESCH_VORSICHTG', 'Carefully remove'); define('LOGIN_GO_TO', 'Log on'); define('LW_1_GROESSE', 'Memory capacity: ');/** Laufwerksgroesse; Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('LW_2_BELEGT', ', Disk space: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('LW_3_FREI', ', Of free memory: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('NACH_OBN', 'up'); define('NACH_UNTEN', 'down'); define('NICHT_ERSTLLT', '* could not * be created!'); define('NICHT_GEFUNDN', 'Not found!'); define('NICHT_MOEGL', 'Not possible!'); define('NICHTS_VERAENDRT', 'There was nothing changed!'); define('OWNR_GROUP', 'Group'); define('OWNR_MITGL', 'Members: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('OWNR_MITGL_UNBEK', 'The members can not be determined!'); define('OWNR_OKTAL', 'Octal'); define('OWNR_RECHT', 'Rights'); define('OWNR_SELF', 'Owner'); define('PW_AENDRN', 'Changing the password'); define('PW_AKTUELLS', 'Current Password'); define('PW_ALTES', 'Current Password'); define('PW_HINWEIS', 'Your new password must be at least 6 characters!'); define('PW_KONTR_ALT', 'Please enter your correct password!'); define('PW_KONTROLLE', 'The new password does not match the control!'); define('PW_MELDG_NOT_SAVE', 'The password could not be written!'); define('PW_MELDG_SAVE', 'The password was successfully saved!'); define('PW_NEUES', 'New password'); define('PW_PW_IHR', 'Your Password'); define('PW_SELF', 'Password'); define('PW_USERN_IHR', 'Your username'); define('PWD_ARE_DEL_HINW', 'The protected area actually re-releasing!'); define('PWD_AREA_DEL', 'Admin area re-open'); define('PWD_AREA_NAME', 'Range names'); define('PWD_DEL', 'An existing log-in area open again'); define('PWD_DEL_HINW', 'The need to authenticate files are deleted!'); define('PWD_DEL_HINW1', 'Select the user that you delete mouml; want'); define('PWD_EDIT', 'The existing log-in area change: add / delete users: '); define('PWD_GESPEICHRT', 'The file was saved with the following contents'); define('PWD_MORE_USR', 'More Users'); define('PWD_NEW_ADMN', 'Create new admin area'); define('PWD_NEW_AREA_1', 'Area with only one user to create'); define('PWD_NEW_AREA_N', 'Area with multiple users to create'); define('PWD_NEW_LOGN', 'Create a new login area'); define('PWD_USR_HINZUF', 'Or you want to add a new user?'); define('PWD_USR_NAME_MORE', 'Username next enter'); define('PWD_VORS_HINW', 'Caution: Existing files are overwritten without asking!: '); define('QUELL_ORDNR', 'Source folder'); define('RECHTE_OWNR_GROUP', 'Owner-rights group'); define('SAVE_EINST_OK', 'Your entries are saved'); define('SAVE_EINSTELL', 'Remember me'); define('SCHLIESSN', 'Close'); define('SCHLUSS_SATZ_1', 'Support my work on free tool '###WFM###'');/** ###WFM### wird ausgetauscht gegen Link zur Homepage */ define('SCHLUSS_SATZ_2', ' ');/** 2. von 4 Teilen des Schlusssatzes! */ define('SCHLUSS_SATZ_3', ' ');/** 3. von 4 Teilen des Schlusssatzes! */ define('SCHLUSS_SATZ_4', 'with a small acknowledgment (donation)');/** 4. und letzter Teil Schlusssatzes! */ define('SORT_ABSTEIGND', 'Sort in descending order by'); define('SORT_AUFSTEIGND', 'Sort in ascending order by'); define('SORT_RUECKW', 'backward'); define('SUCH_END', 'Exit Search'); define('SUCHE_DATEIN_U_ORDNR', 'Search of files and folders in the directory'); define('SUCHE_NACH', 'Search for'); define('UMBENN_DATEINAMN', 'Change file names (without extension)'); define('UMBENN_ERROR', '... could not be renamed!'); define('UMBENN_EXT_ERSTZ', 'Extension to replace'); define('UMBENN_EXT_LABL', 'File extension'); define('UMBENN_EXT_NAME', 'Extension Name'); define('UMBENN_EXT_UMB', 'Extension rename'); define('UMBENN_KRITER', 'Set your criteria for renaming fixed'); define('UMBENN_NAME_ALT', 'Present name'); define('UMBENN_NAME_NEU', 'New Name'); define('UMBENN_NEU_ANFNG', 'At the beginning'); define('UMBENN_NEU_ENDE', 'The End'); define('UMBENN_NEU_ERSETZ', 'Name to replace'); define('UMBENN_NICHT', 'Not rename'); define('UMBENN_SORT_KEIN', 'No more sorting'); define('UMBENN_SORTG', 'Sort by'); define('UMBENN_START', 'Rename files now, as displayed in the preview table!'); define('UMBENN_VIELE_DATEIN', 'rename multiple files'); define('UMBENN_WIEDERHERST', 'Restore Mode'); define('UMBENN_ZAEHLER', 'Counter'); define('UMBENN_ZAEHLR_EINF', 'Insert counter in file names'); define('UMBENN_ZAEHLR_ERHOEH', 'increment counter by'); define('UMBENN_ZAEHLR_START', 'Start counter at'); define('UMBENN_ZAEHLR_STELLN', 'Provide'); define('UMBENN_ZEICH_DURCH', 'by'); define('UMBENN_ZEICH_ERSTZ', 'Replace the following characters'); define('UMBENN_ZEICH_LOESCH', 'Delete the following character'); define('USR_GELOESCHT', 'The user has been deleted'); define('USR_NAME', 'Username'); define('VORSCHT_STRONG', 'CAUTION! - Attention!'); define('WECHSL_AKTION', 'Replace action: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('WECHSL_HIERHIN', 'go here'); define('WECHSL_ORDNR', 'Switch to the folder'); define('Z_BSPL', 'for example: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('ZIP_ARCHV', 'Zip archive: ');/** Am Ende eine Leertaste (Space) */ define('ZIP_DOWNL', 'load Zip file ...'); define('ZIP_ENTPCKN_HIER', 'Unzip Zip archive here in the folder of the same name!'); define('ZIP_ENTPCKN_OK', 'The zip archive has been unzipped!'); define('ZIP_HINZU_NOT', 'The files have the zip file can not be added!'); define('ZIP_HINZUGF', 'The files have been added!'); define('ZUM_SCHLUSS_HINW_SPRACHE', 'Note: The texts in the PHP program "WebFileManager" were translated using <a href="https://translate.google.de/" target="_blank">Google Translate</a>. I apologize for the mistakes!');/** Hinweis, mit Google-Translate übersetzt! */